Young Adults Ministry

Our Young Adults Ministry is made up of students attending UofM, UofW, and Red River College. This group also includes working professionals under the age of 30 who are no longer in school. They meet monthly for devotionals and weekly for fun hangouts. 

Hear from our Young Adults

When I came to Winnipeg, I was embraced with warmth by the church, specifically the young adults ministry. It was great to find a community of people who, across various stages of life, take the time and energy to pursue God and honestly, have a great time together. I’ve been able to learn a lot of vital lessons that are helping me figure out my life, relationships, career and connection with God.


The Young Adults Ministry has been such a blessing to me just in the few years that I have been a part of it. I think the main reason as to why I have been so grateful to be a part of this ministry is because we are a group of young adults trying our best to live in a way that truly seeks to glorify God. We are all in a time in our lives where we have things like work, school or relationships trying to win first place in our hearts but we understand how much more satisfying it is to “live a life worthy of the Lord.” We don’t do it perfectly, nor do we expect that from one another. Rather, we understand that living this way will have its ups and downs and I think we are learning how to support one another in that. I believe we are a group of young adults who understand the pressures of society, but who strive to understand God’s love and who choose to rely on that as our driving force as opposed to whatever society has to offer. Being a part of this group helps me know I’m not alone on this journey, and that’s pretty awesome.
